APAS®-AMR Analysis Module

In Commercial Development

APAS®-AMR uses our ground-breaking AI image analysis platform to accurately read and interpret Antimicrobial susceptibility tests (ASTs) for the detection of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

With over 2.8 million infections caused by antimicrobial resistant infections occurring in the united states each year, AMR is rapidly becoming one of the biggest global health threats. There is an increasing pressure on governments and clinicians to improve antimicrobial stewardship practices to ensure the appropriate use of antimicrobials.

Clinical laboratories play an essential role in antimicrobial stewardship by providing clinicians with critical data to inform treatment for their patients. Millions of ASTs are performed around the world each day by trained microbiologists to direct the appropriate antimicrobial treatment for patients.

Challenges for Microbiology labs

Inefficient use of resources

Simple measurements takes away critical time that can be applied to more value-added processes.

Inconsistent Results

Tests are prone to error, relying on a series of accurate manual measurements. Disc Diffusion Testing Variability with 14% error rates.

Time Consuming

Time and motion study for AST revealed an average urine manual AST disc read took 91 seconds (183s max, 25s min).

Workplace Safety

Reduce Manual handling of infectious agents and risk of repetitive stress industry.

In 2019, the World Health Organisation identified AMR as one of the top 10 health threats globally. In the United States over 2.8 million antimicrobial resistant infections occur each year causing more than 35,000 deaths.

LBT Solution

The APAS®-AMR project promises to deliver a unique solution by using advanced digital imaging and artificial intelligent image analysis techniques to automatically read AST disc diffusion plates.

The APAS®-AMR technology will be deployed using LBT Innovations’ FDA cleared APAS Independence instrument to provide high volume and rapid plate reading for laboratories ensuring accurate and timely report of AMR information to clinicians. Through the Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST) and Direct Sensitivity Testing (DST).

Artificial Learning

APAS AST Analysis Module for the measurement of zones of inhibition in antibiotic susceptibility testing